Wednesday, September 9, 2009

LOTR: Settlement of the Hobbits

Looks like we just might get to see that Hobbit movie after. The report just came in that the $150 million dollar lawsuit against New Lines Cinema and Harper Collins has been settled out of court. In case you've been living in Misty Mountain with your precious then you know that Christopher Tolkien took the media giants to court because they neglected to actually pay royalties for those billions of bucks made for the mega-blockbuster movies, the mega-books sales, the mega-DVD sales, merchandising, etc. Guess they were to busy counting all that money to remember someone actually owns the rights to the actual work all that stuff was based on. So now that everyone is satisfied (definition - Chris Tolkien just bought a small planet to keep his future car collection on) looks like the Hobbit movie might become a reality. Well, we can hope.

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