As Smallville continues it's trends of pretending Smallville has nothign to do with Supmerman, you know by adding Green Arrow, Flash, Cyborg, Lex Luthor, Man with the Krytonite heart, Brainiac and others DC comic members to make sure no one associates Smallville with a guy in tights - they've decide to continue this by adding one of the toughest ladies in comics. Movie tough womanlegend in her own right Pam Grier has signed on to portray Amanda Waller on multiple episodes this season. According to Entertainment Weekly, Grier’s first appearance as Waller will come in the second half of the highly anticipated "Justice Society" two-part episode by comic scribe Geoff Johns. Amanda Waller was previously portrayed by CCH Pounder in the animated series “Justice League Unlimited” and more recently in “Superman/Batman: Public Enemies.” Waller is also rumored to appear in “Super Max” and the “Suicide Squad” movie that was announced earlier this year.