Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Episode #122 - Horror for Pussies
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No Dollhouse in November

That's right Browncoats, Fox is pulling Dollhouse from the air for the entire month of November. While DVR ratings have given the show a boast the first run rating pretty much suck. The show will return in December with back to back episodes and Summer Glau added to the cast, but Fox has only ordered 13 episodes and still another season is in doubt.
Charlize Theron Beyoung Thunderdome

Charlize Theron is rumored to be slated to star as the female lead in Mad Max 4, according to E! Online. The film, which will be directed by George Miller - who made the first three films in the series - has been in development for several years but Miller is apparently now auditioning cast members, according to the report. Miller has said publicly that he thinks Mel Gibson is both too old and probably uninterested in doing a fourth film, and is reportedly looking at Tom Hardy as the male lead. This, course, leads to the most logical question, they're making another Mad Max Film? Really?
NickToons for Turtles

Looks like the heroes in a half-shell is getting new life in Nickelodeon. Reportedly they paid Mirage Group and 4Kids a combined $60 million dollars for the intellectual rights to the property Eastman and Laird created way back in 1984. Nichelodeon plans to launch a live action feature as well as a CGI animated series by 2012. This will also mean more comics and toys and, God help us, video games if the project is successful.
V Marks the Spots

Dear God, talk about advertising overkill. ABC plans to promote it's upcoming V reboot by skywriting the letter V over major landmarks, all over the US, in Boston, California, New York, Texas, and even Las Vegas. When all is said and sky-wrote, the giant "V" will make an appearance over 26 landmarks. ABC has ordered 13 episodes of V, with plans for a four-season series with a beginning, middle and end. Seasons are expected to be 13 to 22 episodes each. The first four episode run will begin in November. No plans for posters of lizards eating gerbals yet, but hey - you never know.
Marvel Live

Marvel will host MarvelFest NYC on October 28th, an indoor-outdoor event to launch its Astonishing X-Men Motion Comic. The actual premiere of the motion comic will be projected three stories high in Union Square in New York City. Events begin at 4 p.m. on the 28th at Forbidden Planet, where Neal Adams, Chris Claremont, and Dan Slott appear to sign autographs. The Union Square portion of the events include giveaways, an opportunity for fans to photograph themselves in a Marvel cover, sketches from Marvel creators, and a MarvelFest Costume Contest with limited edition figures and comics as participation prizes for entrants.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Episode 121a - Down With the King
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Already Industructable

One of the most interesting reports from San Diego Comicon was how people in the film and television industry scooping up comic meterial, a lot of which had been published yet. For the first time up and coming writer, artists had as much a chance at getting a Hollywood contract as established creators. An interesting result of this is the announcement that Fox21 acquired the rights to Platinum Studios’ Indestructible Man, a yet-to-be-published comic, for a TV series. The story, according to Hollywood Reporter, is about a secret agent who can’t be killed. Is this a sign of things to come? Will web comic creators be next? Only time will tell.
Ultimate Enemy

Brian Michael Bendis recently appeared on MTV's Splash Page with another announcement that had nothing to do with the Powers TV show or the ending to the current Dark Reign storyline. This time the attention was turned on the Ultimate Universe that recently experienced a mass Super-Hero death event called Ultimatum. And in this story, a huge list of Heroes and villians got offed with hopefully no take-backs, or last minute saves. In the wake of Ultimate the Ultimate universe was reduced to two main monthly titles, Ultimate Spider-Man and Ultimate Avengers, and a mini-series - Ultimate Iron Man: Armor Wars. Following this will be Ultimate Enemy, a three mini-series storyline coming January 2010 and staring what's left of the ultimate universe. The format will be like the Ultimate Galactus Story, in the form of three minies - Ultimate Enemy, Ultimate Mystery and finally Ultimate Doom. Bendis isn't saying if the last title is any kind of reveal as to the nature of this "enemy" but he did say this: "A new enemy brings forth a big mystery, and certain pinpoints of the Marvel universe are attacked by some grandiose villainy. . .the whole cast of Spider-Man, what's left of the Fantastic Four, Nick Fury and all kinds of other characters. It's a really big, whopping mystery"
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Episode 121 - Down With the King
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Adapting the Gunslinger

After a successful run of new stories from the Steven King book series, The Gunslinger, Marvel is finally getting around to adapting the first novel. Starting in 2010 Peter David, Robin Furth, and Richard Isanove returns to start a multi-series adaptation of Dark Tower: The Gunslinger - similar to the way Marvel is adapting The Stand. Dark Tower: The Gunslinger is the first novel in King’s seven-volume magnum opus, which was released from 1982 to 2005.
The Plan's T & A

A photo spread in the November issue of Maxim features Battlestar Galactica’s Tricia Helfer and Grace Park, whose appearance in the magazine is timed to promote Battlestar Galactica: The Plan, the two hour prequel due for DVD release on October 27th. According to Helfer, "here will certainly be a lot more explicit action on the DVD. And I refuse to have a body double, so you will see a little bit of skin from me as the Six characters. There’s also a new character you’ll see in some very intense sex scenes." According to Grace Park, "Yeah, there’s going to be a T & A version. Though maybe I should say T, C & A, because it’s not just girls this time…” The Plan will not be shown on SyFy until 2010, so the DVD/BD/download release will be the only way to see the film until then.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Episode 120a - Five Fingers of Geek (corrected)
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Mini Green Hornets

Dynamite Entertainment is planning on 3 Green Hornet mini-series. A Golden-Age series written by Matt Wagner and drawn by Aaron Campbell, a near future Green Hornet written by written by Brett Matthews and the previously announced Kevin Smith Green Hornet will be based on his un-produced screenplay for the film, and will probably be four to six issues, although no final length has been determined. Alex Ross and John Cassaday will produce covers for the series. The way they thing are going the comics sounds as if they will go better then the movie.
Safe in the Dollhouse

Looks like Dollhouse isn't going anywhere for it's 13 episode run. Fox has decided to air the whole season despite its weak beginner ratings. Mostly because of very strong DVD sales, and the slight pick up in ratings for the last episode. While Fox will show all 13 episodes of the current season it's still up in the air whether the show will see another season. Time will tell.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Episode 120 - Five Fingers of Geek
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Sunday, October 18, 2009
Powers Siege

Brian Michael Bendis made the rounds last week with two huge announcements. First his comic series, Powers, is currently in development by FX, the channel that brought us excellent television shows such as The Shield, Damages, Rescue Me and Nip/Tuck. The show is being produced by Kevin Falls who previously produced shows like The West Wing and Sports Night. Powers will be directed by Michael Dinner who directed the successful Sons of Anarchy and the Bionic Woman pilot. As for the next volume in the Powers comic series, Bendis says there's enough issues "in the can" to keep the next run on a pretty much regular monthly schedule.
Speaking of comic series, the current event in Marvel comics, Dark Reign, is coming to an end with the final four issue mini-series call The Siege. According to Bendis this mini-series will reunite Iron Man, Captain America and Thor and will eventually bring about the next Avengers status quo. The series will start with a prologue "Siege The Cabal" this December leading into the main series starting in January 2010.
Singer of the X

Bryan Singer wants to return to the X-men films. At the Pusan International Film Festival in South Korea he announced that he would love to return to the X-Men franchise as he loves the cast and the stories around it. While Superman Return was pretty bad, Singer has been bury with a lot of TV being the executive producer of House and Dirty Sexy Money. He planning on remaking Excalibur, and doing an unnecessary Battlestar Galactica movie (based more on the crappy 1980's series then the excellent version from Sci-Fi channel, now he in talks with Sony to go back to the X-films which were ruined by ultra crappy director Bret Ratner.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Episode 119a - Don't Make Me Laugh
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Thursday, October 8, 2009
Episode 119 - Don't Make Me Laugh
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Tuesday, October 6, 2009
New Who Logo

The BBC has reveal the new Dr. Who logo for 2010, shape like a TARDIS, gleaming and a little metallic it's to represent the new Dr. Who, played this round by Matt Smith. The Hideout opinion is that the old logo always represented Dr. Who, it was fine through all the ages and incarnations, and could have used a bit of polish for the new times but not such a radical change. It's not that the new logo sucks, it's just such a far departure from the that's been around since the Doctor was first introduce to Sci-Fi consciousness. According to the BBC the iconic logo for Doctor is, much like the Doctor himself, up for a new regeneration. Along with the new logo the Doctor also gets a new assistant. Actress Karen Gillan will be the new assistant. New Doctor, new companion and new logo, can't wait to see how this all turns out.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Episode 118a - Treks In The Hideout
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Sunday, October 4, 2009
Ron Howard P. Lovecraft

In an interviw with Geoff Boucher from the L.A. Times Ron Howard talked about how excited the was to be working on a big screen adaptation of Image Comic's "The Strange Adventures of H.P. Lovecraft." The Academy Award-winning director said, "It very cleverly uses H.P. Lovecraft in a fictional way, but there are some loose biographical elements. It certainly has the flavor and the tone of Lovecraft. The character is a very young Lovecraft. Look, it's challenging, but if we get it right, it could be really original and psychologically interesting and scary in a great way. And it's a graphic novel. This is new territory for me… I'm very encouraged by it so far, the approach and the possibilities." Howard’s Imagine Entertainment acquired the rights The Strange Adventures of H.P. Lovecraft by Mac Carter in March 2009. While there's no official announcement on what Howard's next project will be, this movie seems to be a strong contender.