Saturday, April 17, 2010

Nolan on Superman

"The Dark Knight" director Christopher Nolan is indeed shepherding a new Superman movie into development. Nolan's "Batman Begins" story partner David Goyer is currently working on a script for the film, confirming another rumor that made the rounds recently.

“We’re approaching it in a not dissimilar way in terms of trying to find an incredible story in a way that audiences can engage with it the way they engage with contemporary action films,” Nolan told the L.A. Times. "I think David’s approach is a very good way of doing just that."

Nolan shared some details about how his involvement with Superman came about. According to the filmmaker, he and Goyer had hit a roadblock while developing the third Batman movie, and in order to get their minds off the project for a while, they started discussing Superman.

“[Goyer] basically told me, ‘I have this thought about how you would approach Superman,’” said Nolan. “I immediately got it, loved it and thought: That is a way of approaching the story I’ve never seen before that makes it incredibly exciting. I wanted to get Emma and I involved in shepherding the project right away and getting it to the studio and getting it going in an exciting way.”

Still, a few more details about Nolan's take on Superman can be gleaned from the details of the interview, including the likelihood of audiences seeing the hero team up with Batman any time soon.

“A lot of people have approached Superman in a lot of different ways. I only know the way that has worked for us that’s what I know how to do,” he said. “Each serves to the internal logic of the story. They have nothing to do with each other.”

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